Friday, September 26, 2014

Music to My Brain

Writing Prompt:  Music.

I really enjoy listening to music. Which is why I don't seem to do it very much! Sounds crazy, I know. But when I listen to music, that's pretty much all I do. If I'm supposed to be doing a project (like balancing the checkbook), my mind will wander off of that task. I'll just be paying attention to the music. I guess I am not a good multi-tasker in some situations.

I know that a lot of people can be quite productive when listening to music. Somehow it helps them block out other distractions and focus on the task at hand. I wish I could do that. I really do.

Perhaps I am selling myself a little bit short. There is one chore that I can do successfully while listening to music, and that is folding the laundry! Being able to enjoy music while I'm folding makes the task go much faster.

And my five minutes is up! (I could write a lot more about music. Probably better than that above, but that's what I came up with today.)

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