Friday, September 5, 2014

Three Early Memories

Writing Prompt:  My earliest memory.

My earliest memories are of when my father taught at Kents Hill Preparatory School. I was a toddler then. I have three specific things that I remember from that time:

1) My father walked to work. I remember sitting at the window and watching him go. I knew about cars, so I also thought it was neat that my dad could just walk. (It was later on in life that I learned my parents lived in one of the houses on campus.)

2) We had some sort of meat for dinner. I sat at what I remember as a counter but it could have been a regular table. It took me forever to chew my meat. My parents were up and moving about the house while I sat there chewing and chewing and chewing.

3) I loved carrying around a little funny-shaped dish. It really is teeny -- it can fit in the palm of my hand. Years later when my mother tried to put this little dish in a yard sale, I grabbed it from her. "You can't sell that! I loved carrying that around!" Usually I'm not very sentimental, but I am about this little dish.

Disclaimer: The above details might be a little "off." They are, after all, my earliest memories!

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