Friday, September 19, 2014


Writing Prompt:  Bed.

I love bed.

There are few things more wonderful than falling into bed at the end of a long, hard day. I like to put my white noise machine on the "rain" setting. I fall asleep pretty quickly.

It is also a wonderful thing to stay in bed on a cold, rainy morning. I like to turn on the light and read a little bit. And hopefully a cat (or two) will come stay by my side. Although I must admit the presence of a cat (or two) makes it even harder to get up!

Lew and I have a sleep-number bed, which is a must for us. We have very different comfort levels. I usually keep my side at about 95 (on a scale of 100), and Lew likes his side at about 40. (Our bed looks very lopsided when we're not in it.)

This week I have been fighting off a migraine headache, so my bed has been very important to me. I will take pain medication to help with the headache, but the best solution for me has always been to sleep it off.

I love bed.

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