Monday, September 1, 2014

Not Naming Any Names

There is so much going on in our country these days, much of it political. But instead of fully addressing the real political situation, I will briefly mention something that Lew and I began watching last night: the Netflix original series "House of Cards."

So far we've only seen four of twenty-six available episodes and we are already hooked.

For those that are unfamiliar with the show, Kevin Spacey plays a congressman who takes the word "powerful" to a whole new level. His character often speaks to the camera, like an aside during a play when the actor talks to the audience. This technique allows us to see his duplicitous nature; he tells us what he is really thinking while he butters up some unwitting colleague.

Lew and I are of the opinion that many of our actual politicians are much like Spacey's character, which is not good. It's okay as entertainment, but not as the real thing.


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