Friday, April 12, 2024

Mouse in the House!

Last night around 2:00AM I was awakened by a loud noise. Then I heard one of the cats madly dashing around downstairs.

I went to investigate.

Marilyn was at the foot of the stairs, playing with one of her toy mice.

Upon further inspection, I saw that said mouse was able to move all on its own.

The mouse ran behind the speaker we have next to our electric keyboard. Marilyn and the mouse then played an amusing game of peek-a-boo back and forth around the speaker.

By now Lew is downstairs as well. Jerry seemed to be just a casual observer at this point.

The mouse got brave and ran into the dining room. Both cats now were trying to catch it. Lew tried to trap it with a tupperware bowl, but the mouse was too fast.

Eventually the mouse dashed into the living room, and it is there we all lost sight of it.

Lew and I went back to bed while the cats kept watch.

No sign of the mouse today.... It's freaking me out a little!


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