Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Dad 428: Less of a Pain in the Arm

("Toodle Pip!" was "Poodle poop!" last week. Today it was "Total hip!" Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The day is not too sunny and has temperatures in the 60s. A severe change from the mid-80s we had a few days ago. But it will be officially fall before I blog again. And what follows fall? Winter!
Spouse mentioned today that she believes her phantom pain (felt in her missing arm) is lessening. It was well worth hearing. Hoping for the complete non-pain in her missing arm.
Guess it is about time to move the fans out to the garage. Take the AC out. At least think about what weather will be here shortly.
So fortunate to live here where we do not get the violent weather as the Carolinas just received. Thanks!
Hope to announce tonight: the Red Sox win their division. It is a foregone conclusion, but it will be great to complete the task. GO RED SOX!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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