Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dad 541: Temps and Technology

(Dad writes today. One update to his post: Zack's already home! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying another beautiful day. However, it is very cold after having fine warmer weather to date. Lew's birdbath was frozen throughout the whole day. Temp on TV has been 30° all day. The sun is not having an effect on frozen water today. It gives me an idea of what to expect before it gets better. Could we bypass December through February?
Still can't visit Mary Lou. Looks like our visits will remain peering through windows and screens. The only time we freely talk is when Tracy visits with me and she contacts Mary Lou on her cell phone. Eventually I want to be able to use our cell phones. (Mary Lou and I are not very adept with this modern technology!) Then we will be able to talk during the cold winter.
Rumor has it that Zack will be home from University of Maine on Friday. He will return to school in January. He will take classes through the computer. Also, Josh will be home in about a week, shortly after Thanksgiving! Looking forward to their return.
Kelsey has a birthday tomorrow. They will celebrate Bode's birthday on December 6th (his actual birthday is December 19). Happy Birthday to both!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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