Friday, November 14, 2014

Princess Tracy

Writing Prompt:  I am someone else.

For one thing, I don't want to speculate on being a different person. I have enough idiosyncrasies of my own and I don't want to take on someone else's stuff!  Ha ha!

But I will talk about being a princess. I am supposed to be one, you know. That's what my mother says anyway.

It would be nice to have a myriad of staff to do all of the housekeeping. (Wait, I do have staff to do that. His name is Lew.)

And what about the wonderful clothes and all of the regal events to attend? Frankly, I don't see myself doing that. Jeans, a t-shirt, and a movie suit me just fine.

But you know, I actually AM a princess! I am blessed to be a child of the King.

And I won't have to wash dishes in Heaven!

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