Monday, November 24, 2014

An Enchanting Book; A Marginal Movie

Still feeling yucky, so I called the doctor this morning and got an appointment for this afternoon. The result of this appointment:

  • P.A. felt I would get worse without intervention
  • Two prescriptions. One for the next five days, the other for the next ten days.

Glad I went! (Many thanks to my father for being my chauffeur.)

Needless to say, I haven't felt like doing much of anything. (Why do we say "needless to say" then say it anyway?) So it's been movies and books....

On Saturday I finished reading The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Armin. The characters were intriguing, so I enjoyed the book. It's not a gripping plot, so it's not for everyone. For instance, I won't suggest that my husband read it!

I then decided to watch the movie based on the book. (The movie title omits the "The".) I marginally enjoyed watching the movie only because I was already familiar with the characters. A couple of the casting decisions were interesting -- not at all how I pictured those characters. And I dislike when the movie changes how things happened in the book. Annoying.

Bottom line: Add The Enchanted April to the list of "Books that are much better than the movie versions."

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