Thursday, July 26, 2012


I had what I hope is a "once in a lifetime" experience last night.  I asked Lew to write an account of it.  So here's Lew, in his own words:
The lights are out except for Tracy’s Kindle lamp, I am drifting off to snoozeville, and then suddenly a bat starts flying around in our bedroom.
Our brave kitty is not in the room.  Tracy pulls the covers over her head, I close the door (so the bat doesn’t get out of our room) and start trying to knock the bat out of the air with my pillow.  Miss, miss, miss.  Open the window so it will fly out.  It stops flying around the room but I think it went into our closet area.  We look high and low.  Not there.  Maybe it flew out the window?
Calm down.
Lights out, but Jerry the kitty is on the bed with us.  Back to Kindle-ing and snoozeville.
Jerry starts going nuts.....the bat is back.  More pillow swinging, door closing and window opening.  Bat goes back in the closet.  I go to get a tennis racket to get a better swing.  Tracy crawls into the closet to see if she can find the enemy, but this time she has Superkitty by her side.
Tracy quickly crawls back out of the closet squealing that it’s in there.  Superkitty then flushes the bat out of the closet, knocks it to the rug and pounces.  He has the bat pinned to the floor at which point I use the racket to take over the pin duty as Tracy puts Jerry in the bathroom.
We use the racket and a clipboard to scoop the bat up and toss out the window.  It is 12:30 and now I can go to sleep.
I have said for a while that Jerry is the best kitty ever.  Now I have proof.
Thank you, Lew and Jerry!  You were both so brave!

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