Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Happy Birthday for Lew

Lew celebrated his mumble-third birthday today!  Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

We met Matt and Emily at noon, and the four of us went to the Sea Dogs game.  (Or should I say, the five of us?  Emily's due date is only nine weeks away....)

Matt had arranged for Lew to be one of the folks to throw out the first pitch.  It was fun to see him out there showing his stuff!  His pitch hit the dirt just before home plate and bounced up to hit the catcher in the chest.  Nobody was injured.

Lefty Lew on the mound, winding up....

Lew claims  that if he had taken a couple more seconds to just breathe, then he could have thrown it to the catcher with no bounce.  We'll never know.

Matt had arranged for one more thing.  Here's one of the fifth-inning announcements on the scoreboard:

Matt sure did plan a special birthday for his dad.  Now, if he could have just arranged for the Sea Dogs to win....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lew!
