Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dad 58: The 55th High School Reunion

(Dad went to his reunion and actually enjoyed it.  Have fun reading his account... which he gave to me on four completely-filled hand-written pages! -- Tracy)

Derf Here!  Enjoying a beautiful sunny summer day.  It doesn't get much better.  Sitting on the couch watching the Sox (Red) in a day game.  The Sox haven't been playing intense, exciting baseball lately.  This is my opinion.  Get motivated!  Please!

A note to Kathy:  You keep rooting for the Colts.  You should be loyal to the home team.  It will all come crashing down at season's end, however, as the Patriots will join the Bruins and Sox (Red) as champions.

Just had a very exciting week.  We saw a fabulous concert last Friday evening at the Old Orchard Beach Pavilion.  The group, Signature Sound, was in great voice.  They have a new bass singer.  He was a member of the Imperials and the Cumberland Boys prior to joining SS.  In my humble opinion, he is one of the best bass singers I have heard.  I have heard just about all the Southern Gospel basses over the past sixty years.  His voice and range (low) is superb!  I had my Singing News magazine autographed by the quartet as they appeared on the cover for the month of August.  It will eventually be framed and mounted on my "Wall of Fame."  I did have help getting the last signature (Ernie Haase) as Tracy pushed her way to another member who graciously handed it to Ernie.  Pushed may be an overstatement.  She aggressively got the item to Doug Anderson (baritone; in Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame).  A successful evening was had by all.

I followed up my Friday night concert with a Saturday night reunion.  You see, I attended my 25th high school reunion a few years back (many years ago) and at that time I said I'd go to my 50th.  Well I failed to make it to my 50th so I decided to attend my 55th.  It was good to see some of the old classmates from long ago.  One thing I noticed was that just about all the attendees have changed over the years.  I was quite surprised as just about all of them told me I looked about the same.  My conclusion:  Age has crept up on all my classmates while showing no effect on me.  Just kidding, but really some of us have aged better than others.  For sure!

Also at the reunion I was asked if I still played the trumpet.  I said no but could probably get at least one tune played, if necessary.  I'm sure I couldn't last too long, however.  Perhaps I'll practice so as to play a tune at the next attended reunion.  I'd rather sing.

I was also asked whatever happened to Chee-Chee.  The person asking lived next door to Dad's store and would occasionally visit the monkey at his home (pen).  I responded that we had four more monkeys.  She replied, "I only knew Chee-Chee."  It was then that I told her we called all of them Chee-Chee.  I told her the last I knew of him was at the Acton Fair where he was outside a tent on a leash.  Someone told my dad his monkey was over at the tent.  We walked over to the tent and there he was.  Dad stepped over the barrier and started toward Chee-Chee.  A man stepped out telling Dad not to go in there.  Dad continued to walk toward the friendly beast.  Upon speaking to Chee-Chee and getting in close proximity, the monkey leaped onto Dad's shoulder.  The man said, "He's never done that before, and look what he has done to my tent."  The tent was ripped up but the animal was now calm.  That evening showed how wild animals react to someone they trust and has treated them well.  The man said he had a chance to sell Chee-Chee and I believe after talking with Dad he would follow through on that.

My last reunion visit was with a fellow trumpet player who would play the horn while having air leak out by the mouthpiece.  Her husband (a friend I grew up with) said when we were playing, I was playing alone.  In other words, he was not impressed with her trumpet playing but managed to stay connected in marriage over 50 years.  In fact, there were several couples there that had celebrated over 50 years in marriage.  We were a loyal class!!

After that, I waved good bye and told them I'd see them in five years (at our 60th).  It was a good night to see some long-lost friends.  Also good to get home.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! I think we might have to discuss ths in October when I see you. I have a lot of faith in my Colts and how perfect it would be for them to play in the superbowl this year since it is in Indianapolis! My pick - Colts for the superbowl. Sorry New England. Cheering for your other teams.