Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dad 134: So Long, Soda Pop

(I was out and about when Dad finished writing this. He is right about it being foggy; I drove home in "pea soup!" I wonder how long until no more York Peppermint Patties in the diet.... Sigh. That will be a sad day. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! From the warm, foggy Northeast. Supposed to hit high 40s today. Maybe even 50°. Had snow to clean up yesterday. Weather will get us back to the deep freeze in a couple days. Been below freezing for about the last week. February is almost here. Only four weeks until we reach the month that comes in like "a lion" and goes out like "a lamb." (That would be March.) And then Spring! Whoopee!

Well! Are you ready for some football? By this time next week we'll have a new Super Bowl champion. I have no dog in the hunt, but my guess is that the team from the west coast will be victorious. Could be wrong. I usually am when I pick a game winner. Only wish it was just a football game without all the extra performers. The game is enough!

I am announcing a change in my diet. I always have a few bottles of caffeine-free diet Pepsi in the fridge. I drink quite a bit of it. It has no calories. I have been told by daughter Kim that it is bad for me. She received this info from a friend of her daughter Kaelen. It so happens Kaelen's friend is a body builder. (And I mean body builder!)

It seems he said that diet soda is not the best liquid to put in one's body. Also said just drink water and that, for reasons I do not understand, in a few months I will lose 9 to 10 pounds. Something to do with water retention. Well, I'm about to finish my diet Pepsi and drink water in its place. Hope it works. I'll let you know at a later date. Wish me luck.

I'm still doing 50 minutes on the elliptical Monday through Friday. I miss it occasionally, but not too often.

Still requesting thoughts and prayers for sister Jean as she continues to recover from a recent surgery. It has become a slow process. Thanks for your continued prayers. They are very welcome.

It is almost lunch time. I know this because Pepper (our 16-year-old cat) is staring at me wondering where her tuna is. I usually have a small tuna salad and a boiled egg for lunch. Pepper always gets a little tuna and cleans the can quite well. She is still staring at me. I'll be right with you, Pepper....

Pepper just meandered over to me. I think she can tell time. Probably does it better than I do. Kidding.

Okay, Pepper, time for some lunch, sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!



Kim said...

The drinking water explanation made me laugh!!

Anonymous said...

Kaelen said...
Me too!!! I promise you will feel sooo much better drinking water Papa!! :) I miss you!