Thursday, January 24, 2013

Among Sweetness

Lew and I had two guests at our home last night: our pastor's little girls.

We did some reading together and played some hide-and-seek. The girls did some coloring. We had grilled cheese and french fries for dinner.

Then it was time to get ready for bed... brushing teeth, getting PJ's on, organizing stuffed animals on the bed, reading Cinderella, and saying a night-time prayer.

Jerry slept much of the night on the foot of their bed in our guest room. (They love playing with Jerry! Kurt isn't as playful, but he does let them pet him.)

The girls and I got up right before "Mr. Lew" left for work this morning. Then we had breakfast, got dressed, brushed teeth, brushed hair, put our winter boots/hats/coats/gloves on, and went out the door... to school for the older one and to dance class for the younger.

My time with my little guests was completely over by 10:45 or so this morning. I spent the rest of the day wondering why I didn't have very much energy left. (LOL!)

We had such a great time. I love my little friends!

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