Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dad 203: Woe Is Me Weather

(In the words of Annie, "The sun will come out tomorrow!" Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Here in the Northeast the weather is absolutely STINKO! The temps are running in the 40s. Yesterday at Josh's baseball game it felt like the middle of January. The only thing missing was a few snowflakes. (Josh's team did win and are now 10–2.) The question now is: Are we going to have summer weather ever? The weather experts tell us to enjoy tomorrow as it will be sunny and warm. This will be followed by days of clouds and showers. Just a repeat of past weather. Please show us the sun soon. Hope to recognize it. Enough about the weather!

We had a yard sale over Memorial Day weekend. Was planning on a three-day sale but settled for two days. The weather cooperated as we were scheduled for clouds and showers. Well, we made it through with clouds but the showers held off during the daytime. We got rid of a lot of stuff. However, we still have a garage and attic full of much more stuff. There is a good possibility of another yard sale before the summer is over. Our town only allows two sales per year and one must have a permit for a minimal fee of five dollars. Another example of government interference with the common man. What else is new?

Another comment about the weather. Ten minutes ago I looked out the window and it actually looked like the weather was clearing. Still cold but looked brighter. I just looked out again. The wind is from the Northeast and it pours. No need to water Lew's strawberry plants. (I'll keep you posted on the success of the strawberry plants. We don't expect too much success, but one never knows. May have to bring "pick your own" customers to the garden! Just a thought. An unrealistic one, at best!)

I seem to be suffering from writer's block today. Probably it would be better if I had writer's block every week. I have got a few ideas in my scrambled head but will share them another time.

So I think I'll just stop now and watch the rain come down. I will hope for a big yellow circle in the sky soon. That would be the sun. As I said before, I hope to recognize it. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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