Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dad 200: Walk This Way

(Sun is out, warming up, oh yeah, a nice spring day. Enjoy Dad's 200th post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Coming to you today enjoying the best weather day we've experienced since last summer. It is absolutely a fantastic Wednesday. Could not be better. Would like weather like this year-round. Never happen here in Maine!

Today's post will be rather short. Just a couple items to catch up on.

I planned on being in Illinois this week to observe Kaelen's vocal recital. Well, I didn't make it. From all reports, she was on her game and performed all thirteen numbers flawlessly! Congratulations, Kaelen. Sorry I missed it!

We've had the opportunity to take in all baseball games for Josh's high school junior varsity team. They are now at four wins and one loss. Josh has pitched in two games and has given up two runs in 11 innings. The team won both of his starts. They are fun to watch and make all the plays. Looking forward to the remainder of the season.

The weather is finally decent so I've now stopped using the miserable elliptical machine. I now have two walking routes that are around two miles each. I've only done this for two days but I do have some aches and pains. It seems that walking jolts the muscles, etc., a bit more than the smooth miserable elliptical machine. Hope to do this walking about five days a week. Will not do on mowing days. Mowing day could be within a week, or sooner.

I hope to have our front lawn garden in the ground within the next couple weeks. At least by Memorial Day. We will also have a yard sale on Memorial Day weekend. First one in a few years. Must start preparing.

Enough gibberish for now, sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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