Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dad 201: Projected Projects

(I am looking forward to Dad's completion of all these projects. Yes, I am! With great anticipation! Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Sure enjoyed Sunday (Mother's Day) and Monday as we hit 80°. Summer days! Didn't last! Back to temperatures in the 40s this morning. Wish the weather would make up its mind as to what season we are in. So enjoyable out in the yard Monday mowing and cleaning up. So miserable outside today. So I'll stay inside at home or in the store.

I find it difficult to get going on projects while the weather is more like football season then baseball season. Do manage to make Josh's baseball games and hope soon to see Zack playing in lacrosse games. Hope the weather warms up.

Projects that I must get done soon are as follows.

We are planning on a yard sale Memorial Day weekend. I haven't really done anything to get ready for this event yet and the days are rapidly dwindling. Better get started organizing sale junk (I mean treasure).

Also must get our front lawn garden planted soon. Always like to have done by the end of May.

Should be getting stressed out but I don't seem to be worried. My theory is as follows: two weeks from today all of the above will be over. Successful or not!

While talking with some neighbors the other day, I noticed the tree in front of our house is about near death. So probably I'll have it removed in the next couple months. When we moved here 40 years ago, we would decorate the small Christmas tree and have the lighting ceremony the weekend of Thanksgiving. The tree grew to about 40 feet and must now be removed. I'll try to plant a small Christmas-like tree that is to remain as a dwarf. I believe the tree would not have grown so large if I hadn't removed all the stones that were packed around the roots. Perhaps it would have stayed as a beautiful small Christmas Spruce. I didn't know any better. I won't make the same mistake again. I'll buy a miniature, dwarf tree! Definitely!

We have several lilac bushes on the property. The bushes, however, have grown into trees. So, within the coming months, I'll attempt to magically make the trees become bushes once again. One tree is to be removed. The others will probably never get back to bushes, as I tend to think I'll accomplish more than I actually will. That's life! Yep! Never happen!

I seem to have good intentions. Time will tell what I will accomplish in the next few months. It will all start with planting our garden, having a yard sale, and one more mowing before next weekend. Think I will get it done. Hope so, at least! So for now....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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