I do not know much about rock music. If I were to compete in a contest to identify the name of the artist performing a certain song, I would probably finish toward the bottom of my age group.
Lew, however, is a classic rock aficionado. After ten years of marriage to him, I have learned a little bit.
This became apparent this morning.
I was listening to the radio, and the trivia question for the morning was (and I'm paraphrasing): "42 years ago today Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, and Steve Winwood formed the band Blind Faith. Of what band were Eric and Ginger previously members?"
I knew the answer! I knew the answer! I knew the answer!
Lew wasn't in the room to share this joyous occasion with me, so I figured I would make it the subject of today's post.
I knew the answer!
(Postscript: Do you know? I will give the answer in the first comment under this post.)
Then the radio station played one of Cream's songs..."Sunshine of Your Love."
I remember when that song, Sunshine of Your Love, was playing on the radio. First time I heard it I was hooked and bought the album "Disraeli Gears". That album is on my Ipod today, 43 years later.
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