Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dad: Unedited XXX

(Dad wrote this post before lunch.  I have been negligent in typing it in.  He has completed his elliptical machine time.  But I believe he just now went outside for the first round of plowing the yard.  It's a winter wonderland.  I hope that you are safe and warm.  Enjoy Dad's ramblings!  -- Tracy)

Derf Here!  From the snowbound Northeast!

Winter started out so calm but has turned into violent, cold, snowy, snowy SNOW...and more predicted snow in a couple days.

I sit here in the midst of a snowstorm that is supposed to reach approximately another 18 (+ or -) inches of snow.  Yesterday we received a small amount of about 4-5 inches.  Prediction:  Another 4-8 coming on Saturday.

Most everything is closed today, including Maine's largest mall (The Maine Mall).  We are not "special" as reports on radio and TV keep me abreast of other areas of the country.  They are experiencing similar amounts of snow along with up to one inch of ice.  Hopefully, we do not get the ice!

In a recent post I mentioned our "Farmall H" tractor as I used it to pull my pickup off a snowbank.  This was a result of a daredevil stunt that didn't have the desired outcome.  Well, that Farmall tractor was used to remove the snow from the streets of Springvale, Maine for a few years.  Uncle Roland was the operator of the tractor.  The Farmall paid for itself in a couple years.  It was a smart purchase indeed.  I also was able to use the tractor to clean out snow at our home and my grandparents' farm.  I started doing this when I was around 12-13 years old.  It was obviously equipped with a bucket for loading so we could remove snow from the area, not just plow it out of the way.   I wish I had the machine today, but I'll settle for my pickup with its plow.

I recall once when I was at home while transferring schools (colleges) that I worked for one night for the town.  Every Christmas break I would work at the post office delivering "Christmas" mail.  I would walk the route about one and one-half times while the regular guy would do one-half the route each day (alternating so he did the whole route every two days).  I also worked 3rd shift as a person cleaning up jet engine parts for a few weeks.  I had a night off and the town was looking for truck drivers for snow removal.  I drove a dump truck one night removing snow from the streets in the Sanford-Springvale area.  I remember it well as I had a very sprained ankle that day from jumping off the Farmall and landing unevenly on the ground.  It was a night to remember as I was a "professional" truck driver for one night.

I just looked out the window and heard on the TV that the heaviest of the snow was arriving.  From my viewpoint, I believe it.  I look out over the motor home and trailer and hope the snow doesn't collapse through the roofs.  I had that happen to me about 5 years ago.

I'm sick of winter!  I'm sick of snow!  I'm sick of shoveling!  I'm sick of plowing!  I'm sick of sub-freezing weather!  I'm sick of salads!

That reminds me.  It is just about time for my wonderful salad lunch before I put my boots on.  Then I'll start my truck (remotely) and clean the snow off it.  I will then clean up our yard and check out Glen and Deb's yard.

Then I'll enter the house for a while before doing it all over again.  Probably will do it a few more times before the storm is over.

Enough rambling!  So until next time:

Toodle Pip!  Derf!

P.S. Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow today (Groundhog Day).  Result:  early spring!  Could it start tomorrow?  Please!!!

P.P.S.  In between my plowing exhibitions, I'll find time to get my daily (almost daily) elliptical machine workout in.  I'm tired just thinking about it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your I hate list but would like to add ice and sleet to it. We got the over an inch of ice and over 2 inches of sleet. Tomorrow will be day #3 of no school. Can't even stand in the driveway. Thanks for the stories.