Saturday, February 5, 2011


I'm still recovering from feeling "blah" earlier this week.  I think it's a combination cold / flu / sick-of-winter ailment.

I can tell that I'm starting to feel better, though, because I've started thinking about spring cleaning.  I'm not a great housekeeper, but every now and then I get inspired to really work at it.  I especially like to get rid of stuff, which makes the actual cleaning much easier.

I have found that getting rid of the extraneous stuff also makes me better appreciate what I have.  It's so easy to get overwhelmed and bogged down with material belongings.  We miss out on how blessed we truly are.

So, tossing and cleaning.  That's my plan.....for spring.

Bring it on!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I think I'll put Spring Cleaning on my list right after doing my taxes. I used to clean up my apartment and rearrange furniture right after finals!