One major difficulty in blogging every day is coming up with the "perfect" idea.
Some days the topic is obvious -- like my father's headband yesterday. I do enjoy writing about the little things of day-to-day life.
But today, it's about 10:00 p.m. and I'm not feeling any good ideas coming on. My regular readers are probably saying to themselves, "Well, that's never stopped her from posting before." (And that is correct!)
I do have a list of possible blog topics, but I'm not feeling motivated to use any of those tonight.
I have figured out the reason for my blogger's block. It can be summed up in one word:
Yep. That explains it.
We finally saw the sun late this afternoon. Last sighting since the 25th. THAT's my current excuse for not blogging!
OK, Kimmee! But I will expect another post soon!
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