Thursday, January 6, 2011


I recently finished reading the book "Reengineering Health Care: A Manifesto for Radically Rethinking Health Care Delivery" by Jim Champy and Harry Greenspun.  I decided to read this book for a couple reasons:

1)  Health care is a big topic in the news these days.
2)  The Kindle version of the book was free for a limited time.

When I download free Kindle books, I'm pretty good about archiving them quickly if they don't hold my interest.  I did read all of this book, so that's saying something!

This post is not a review of the book.  I just want to mention one point that was made.  (I believe it originated with one of the doctors that was interviewed for the book.)

The point (to my best recollection):
If something is the right thing to do, then make it the easiest thing to do.

To accomplish this may take a lot of investment (time, money, etc.) up front.  But once your lean and mean, efficient, straightforward process is in place, you will reap the benefit!

Why does this matter to me?  Because I enjoy and am quite effective at developing processes.  The above "point" validates this skill.  I will keep this in mind as I contemplate my next career move.

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