Thursday, January 19, 2012

Novel Update

Regular readers of my blog know that I am an aspiring novelist.  I explained to some people this week that "aspiring novelist" is a euphemism for "I am not currently bringing in a paycheck."

A couple months ago (in November) I participated in NaNoWriMo.  I was able to get a good start on my novel because of that challenge.

I was suffering from "the plague" for quite a bit of December.  So I did not make much progress on the novel that month.  (The truth is that I made no progress.)

The first couple weeks of 2012 found me trying to settle back into my schedule.  I worked a little bit on my novel... but not a lot.  I was having trouble with the editing process.  My first approach didn't work.  And the second one didn't either.

But today I realized that I was trying to do too much with this next draft.  And therefore I wasn't getting anywhere!  So I've scaled back my expectations, and I made some breakthroughs today.

Some people have asked me what my novel is about....  I'm not telling yet!


Anonymous said...

I promise to buy it and read it when it is published.
Cousin Kathy

Tracy said...

Thanks, Kathy! I hope you will get the opportunity to do just that. :)