Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fluids, Salt Water, Rest

I got my Z-Pak refilled yesterday, as I am not quite over my illness.  I called my doctor's office and talked with a nurse.  She said a lot of folks are having to do the second round of meds.  She told me to drink lots of fluids, gargle with salt water, and get lots of rest.

I've been drinking fluids.

I gargled with salt water.  (I had to do some Internet research to get the ratio:  1/4 teaspoon salt to 1 cup warm/hot water.)

I have had a restful day.  I finished reading a book that I had started last week.  I have already posted about it on my book blog, but I wanted to mention it here as well.  Every now and then I read a book that "sticks with me," and this one will do that:
When I Lay My Isaac Down    by Carol Kent
I encourage you to read the post on my book blog:  Click Here.

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