Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Tide Has Turned

I'm starting to feel better... today was the first day that I noticed significant improvement.

My primary short-term goal is to get a good night's sleep.  I haven't had one in several nights.

Tomorrow I hope to venture out into the world to do some errands.  (That would be a major accomplishment!)

So, will she or won't she?  Check back tomorrow to see if I finally was able to leave the house.

In the meantime, for your viewing pleasure, here is yet another cute picture of Eli.  (They're all cute, in my opinion.)

1 comment:

Aunt Jean said...

He is just adorable and we love keeping up with the pics you share. Lots of cute boy babies in our families of late. PTL So glad you are feeling better. Z-Pac has worked for us in times past. Take care.