Monday, January 23, 2012

A Long Wait

I took a phone survey today.  I didn't have to talk to a real person.  I just had to listen to a computer-generated lady's voice and press the appropriate number in response.

The final questions were demographic in nature, the last one being age.

"Please press '1' if you are under age ____."

"Please press '2' if you are between the ages of ____ and ____."

"Please press '3' if you are between the ages of ____ and ____."

"Please press '4' if you are between the ages of ____ and ____."

"Please press '5' if you are between the ages of ____ and ____."

As I was about to press "5" I heard the final choice:

"Please press '6' if you are age ____ or older."

I was in the next-to-highest age group!
Oh, good grief, when did THAT happen?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Several years ago for me !