Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Annual Battle of the Typewriter

It's that time of year to be preparing year-end IRS forms.  Some of them need to be submitted on the "official" form -- that is, the blank form can't be downloaded from the IRS website.  Ugh.

So today I went to a friend's office to use her typewriter.  She was kind enough to let me use her typewriter last year as well.  And just like a year ago, today was an adventure.

I had four different forms that I needed to type today.  The first one went fairly well.  As did the second.  And the third.

I was almost done with the fourth -- only one line left -- when I hit a combination of keys on the typewriter that sent it into a frenzy.  It started to type all on its own.  It was apparently a "demonstration" of the typewriters capabilities.  (Thanks for that!)

Fortunately, I had two more opportunities to get this fourth form done correctly.

I ended up with two typos the first time.  The typos could not be easily corrected, as it was a multiple copy form.  But I retyped over my errors in case this was the one that I would have to use.

One final opportunity to see if I could get it done completely right... and I made no typos.

Major. Sigh. Of. Relief.

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