Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cat Care Changes

I received a few text messages from my mother today.  She and Dad began their long drive home around 1:00 p.m. (Central time).  They should get home tomorrow evening.

Here is one of the more recent texts she sent:
"Dad wanted me to check on Pepper."
I assured her that Pepper is fine.  What I didn't tell her was that some changes have been made during their absence.  I will take the opportunity to document those changes now....

Pepper is given "goodies" four times a day:  Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Nite-Nite.  At one point, she was getting six goodies at each of these times!  Last fall -- while my folks were away -- I cut it back to four goodies at a time.  Well, this year I decreased it down to three.  Do you hear that, Derf???  Only three goodies at a time!
  • Pros:  She eats more of her regular food, which is better for her.
  • Cons:  She wants goodies all of the time.  (But that's the same as always!)
The more significant of the changes is her daily brushing.  (This is instead of the "no brushing" that she had been receiving.)  I find that the best time to brush her is first thing in the morning, before dispensing her breakfast goodies.  I keep on brushing until she tries to bite the brush -- or me.
  • Pros:  The hairball "deposits" are greatly diminished.  Greatly.
  • Cons:  My hand has had a few meetings with Pepper's teeth.  But nothing too bad.
Yes, Pepper has been well cared for while my parents have been away.

But, Mom... er... um... about your plants....

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