Monday, April 5, 2010

"I'M IN" Challenge #1

Our church just completed the "I'M IN" 92 Day Challenge to Change. The 92 days began on Sunday, January 3. The final day was yesterday, Easter Sunday.

Our pastor presented us with seven challenges. He had charts up all over the church so that we could track our total progress as a group. I'll comment on my own individual effort.

The first challenge:

As a church family, how many times can we read through (what would be equivalent to) the Bible?

For this challenge, we tracked the number of chapters that we read each week. I mentioned in a previous post that I try to read the entire Bible each year. As of yesterday, I had read Genesis through 2nd Chronicles. I was able to mark off quite a few squares.

I would have to give myself "two thumbs up" on this one!

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