Friday, July 18, 2014

There's Always Time for Dancing

Writing prompt:  When we were wee.

I just had dinner with a friend a few weeks ago, and we lamented that we had lost the sense of "childlike wonder."

What did we mean by that?

You know how everything new was exciting?  And just being alive (and awake!) was a reason to dance with abandon?  Oh, that was so long ago!

When did we lose that outlook on life, and how can we get it back?

It is so important to have little ones in our lives as we get older.  Those wee ones remind us that God's world is captivating, that there is joy in something as simple as a puddle after the rain, that twirling with your arms fully stretched out is fun -- and that it doesn't matter who sees you doing it.

When we were wee, we had an appreciation for simple gifts and pleasures.

And my five minutes are up....

Let's go jump in a puddle!  :)

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