Friday, July 11, 2014

An Audit in My Future?

Writing prompt: Real life.

Have you ever told someone a story that they didn't believe, so you insisted, "This happened in real life!"

"Real life" is not "made up", although sometimes things occur that seem too bizarre. Hence sayings like "Truth is stranger than fiction" and "You can't make this stuff up."

A recent example: the "missing" IRS e-mails.

The organization that requires us to keep meticulous records wants us to believe they "lost" a bunch of e-mail correspondence.

Seriously? They really expect us to believe them?

And, more to my point, I can't believe that in "real life" these IRS officials would even try something like this. A new low, even for them.

You can't make this stuff up!

(PostScript: With editing, this post took me more than five minutes. But the ideas were formulated in five minutes. I typed rather than dictated this week.)

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