Friday, July 4, 2014

It Would Not Be Prudent

Writing Prompt: What is something I would attempt if I knew I would not fail?

This question is more intriguing to me than its answer. Is it something that I know I would definitely fail at? Or is it something that I'm just afraid of doing?

Also does "failing" necessarily mean the opposite of "succeeding"? For example, a course grade of "F" would be failing, but would a grade of "D" be succeeding? (I think not!)

My gut response to this is something that I am afraid to do. Like skydiving. I fear doing this because the consequence of failing is drastic: death.

Another thing that came to mind would be writing that novel I've talked about so much. But failing at that is not a life-or-death situation.

Back to skydiving: I don't really want to try it. It doesn't appeal to me. But if I knew that I would not fail, I might do it just to say that I did. There is some satisfaction in that, I guess. And perhaps I would enjoy the scenery! Still, it's probably never going to happen.

However, I will attempt that novel.... Even though I might fail.

[I dictated this on my iPad. I talked ("wrote") for five minutes, then I went back and did some editing. Do I talk as clearly as I write? I guess I will learn that as I go along on these five-minute Fridays!]

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