Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Celebrity Sighting

I haven't been feeling 100% today, but I didn't want to miss church nor our town's Christmas Tree lighting this afternoon. Our church choir was asked to sing at the lighting. We had four special numbers prepared, plus some carols.

I made it to church this morning, then I spent the early part of the afternoon preserving my energy. I ate a salad for lunch, did some reading, and watched some football.

At the appropriate time, Lew and I bundled up and headed off to the tree lighting.

Did I mention it was outside? We weren't freezing, but we weren't exactly warm either.

We sang and sang until a town emergency vehicle arrived with a special guest. He waved to us. The kids in attendance were SO excited.

And I do believe the grownups were pretty excited, too....

Yes! I saw Santa, today!

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