Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mom's Birthday: The Day After

I got out of work later than I had planned to, and I arrived home to a dinner party in full swing!  The family decided we should try to actually celebrate my mother's birthday, even though we were a day late.

It was a lovely meal, for which I prepared nothing!  (I am high-fiving myself right now.)

My cousin Kathy is visiting for a few days; she's staying with Aunt Debbie down at the cottage.  They were both here for the party.  Kathy asked me to mention some things on my blog tonight:

1)  Aunt Debbie handed out the plates.
2)  Aunt Debbie cut the cake.
3)  I provided the dining room table, complete with SpongeBob place mats.

Actually, I added the third one on my own.  Our SpongeBob decor really adds to the sophistication of our home.

Happy Day-After-Birthday, Mom!

(Postscript:  Don't forget!  Tomorrow night is the night!  A guest blogger on Mainely Tracy!)

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