How I spent my night off:
Left work a half hour late.
Stopped to get gas in my car.
Stopped at RiteAid to pick up a prescription.
Ate a wonderful meal, lovingly prepared by my sweet husband.
Had my personal devotional time.
Sang through the entire Easter musical with Lew.
Started a load of laundry.
Got my checkbook caught up.
Started packing for the weekend!
Had devotional time with Lew.
Did more packing.
Folded the fully dried load of laundry.
Finally started writing this blog entry at 10:20 p.m.
And thus ends my "night off!" G'night!!
(Postscript: Part of my "packing" was to switch the shell on my Miche bag. two more this past Saturday. They're pictured below. The black one with the white writing is called "Hope"--it's in honor of those fighting breast cancer. I'm bringing "Hope" on the retreat. The other shell is named "Erin.")

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