Thursday, March 4, 2010

How to Watch "American Idol"

Lew and I have watched American Idol since its second season. Every year when it rolls again, I would prefer not to invest the time. But Lew wants to watch, so we do.

However, we never watch it live. We DVR the shows for the week, and then we watch the whole week in one sitting. We skip the commercials and most of the "fluff" of the show. It saves us a lot of time. For example, we just watched 5 hours of scheduled air time in only 2 1/2 hours.

I usually am in charge of the remote control when we are watching our DVR'd programs, but American Idol is the exception. Lew wants to see more of the show than I do, so he doesn't let me have the remote. I think I could have cut the 5 hours down to about 90 minutes.

I really think I could have.

There is another advantage to how we watch: We find out the results in the same sitting. No more tossing and turning at night wondering if our favorite is going to get voted off the show.

OK, so we wouldn't be tossing and turning anyway. But it is nice to get the week's "drama" over with.

And that's how to watch American Idol.

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