Thursday, March 18, 2010

walk at home

My last two posts have been about exercising. For those of you that are wondering what I actually do for exercise, your wait is over.

I "walk at home" with Leslie Sansone.

Actually, Leslie is on my TV screen via DVD. I'm the one that's at home.

I like Leslie's walking programs. You don't need to be an Olympic gymnast to do the routines, and you don't need to get down on the floor (not in the DVD's that I have anyway).

I was first introduced to Leslie through her "Walk Away the Pounds" program. I have the DVD set that uses the 2-pound weighted balls. There's a 1-mile, a 2-mile, and a 3-mile. I used this series for several years.

I recently purchased one of her "walk at home" DVD's. It's called the "5 Day Slim Down" and it's set up so that you can do a different mile each morning. Yesterday I did the "Classic Walk" mile. Today I did "Sculpt Your Arms." Hopefully tomorrow I'll complete the "Slim Your Legs" mile. (The last two are "Trim Your Tummy" and "Speed Walk.")

Eventually, I'll try to do at least two miles every morning.

Well...let's make that almost every morning!

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