Friday, January 30, 2015

Teleportation and Elasticity (Not Gonna Happen)

Writing Prompt: Hero.
This is a hard topic. The term "hero" is thrown about so easily these days that it loses it's deeper meaning. So rather than talking about real-life heroes, I think I will stick to pretend ones....
Yes, I mean superheroes!
I don't know if I have a favorite superhero, but I do like Spiderman. I really enjoyed the movie trilogy with Tobey Maguire in the lead role. (I do think that the first movie was the best.)
What if I could be a superhero? Who would I like to be? Well that all depends on the superpower! I think the superpower that I currently would like most would be teleportation. All transportation problems solved! I wouldn't need a car or an airplane. Wouldn't that be cool?!!!
I do like Elastigirl from The Incredibles. It would be neat to be able to stay seated and grab whatever I need or to reach out and pull someone away from harm. I'm not sure how my current wardrobe would fare, though, with all that stretching! (I know that Elastigirl has that special red costume, but I don't think I would look good in it.)
Of course, in reality, the biggest superpower that I can hope for is using the oven and having dinner magically appear! Ha ha ha!

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