Friday, January 23, 2015

Morning Routine (or Not)

Writing Prompt: Morning.
My ideal morning: I have had a restful night's sleep. My alarm radio goes off playing an easy-listening song, and I get out of bed right away. I am wide awake. My muscles aren't achy. I am anxious to get some exercise, but first I eat some breakfast and have a quiet time of Scripture and prayer. I spend a few minutes checking out the news of the day and reading inspiring e-mail messages. I then get on the elliptical machine for at least 45 minutes, after which I shower and conquer the day.
My actual morning: My sleep has been interrupted several times by cats and bathroom needs. My alarm radio goes off with a song that is too rowdy for first thing in the morning. I hit the snooze button (actually, I just wave at the sensor). When I finally drag myself out of bed, I notice that all of my joints and muscles ache. I decide to sit back down on my bed and check e-mail, Facebook, and play a game on my iPad. I realize I need to run an errand and decide to get it over with. I throw clothes on and do the errand. I still haven't done my quiet time, exercised, or showered. And it is mid-afternoon.
It took me more than five minutes to write the above, but that's okay. It's MY blog! ;-)

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