Monday, January 19, 2015

Super Bowl, Here We Come

So the big news today is that the Patriots are going to the Super Bowl.

I am excited that they will be playing in the big game, but I also know that my stomach will probably be all knotted up in a nervous mess as I watch.

Speaking of watching.... Why, oh why, does the game have to start so late in the day? And the half-time show just prolongs the evening. I don't think the NFL and TV "powers-that-be" care about us on the East Coast. It is always a very late evening.

Lew is still lobbying for a new national holiday on the day after the Super Bowl. I don't believe his lobbying has gone further than just telling family and friends about it, but perhaps it's time to take it to the "powers-that-be."

So, whoever you are, please vote in this new holiday. The people living in the Eastern time zone need their sleep.

(Postscript: We are flying our flag today in honor of the Rev. Martin Luther King.)

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