Because Matt and Emily will become parents in October, my sister Kim has been referring to me as "Grandma."
I have already told Emily that under no circumstances am I to be called anything resembling "Grandma" or "Nana" or "Granny " or... well, you get the idea.
I was thinking about "Tia." The first letter "T" fits in nicely with my first name. "Tia" is Spanish for "aunt." And although I won't be an aunt to the baby, "Tia" still would give a sense of "this is a family elder."
Kim insists that I am a "Bonus Grandma," and she is right! This is a very wonderful thing. :)
So, maybe I could be know as "B.G." Perhaps this could morph into a spelling of BeeGee -- like the singing group. (Ha ha.) I also think that "Bima" (Bee-Ma) or "Bina" (Bee-Na) should be considered.
In the end, my mother is probably right. The baby will call me whatever the baby decides to call me. But can't we have some influence here? Please?!
(Postscript: Any other suggestions?)
Once you hold that little baby you will not care what they call you. I did not want to be called Grandma because of how old that made me feel but when little Lydia looks at me and says Grandma I just melt. Being a Grandma is the best.
Awwwwwww...I can't wait!
Thanks, Kathy! :)
My grandson calls me Grandma Reindeer - what a cheerful name! (He is 3)
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