Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Chore of Chores

Oh, dear, what a catastrophe!
Seven Franciscans trapped in the lava'try.
They were there from Sunday 'til Saturday.
Nobody knew they were there.

The above lyric is from the musical Nunsense II and has nothing to do with today's post -- other than the fact I started with it, of course. (I'm not completely sure I have the words right.)

Today I started -- drum roll, please -- spring cleaning! And it is mighty slow-going.

I began with my desk, which is upstairs in the back room. I have been wanting a peaceful place to do my Bible study and have quiet times, and my desk really wasn't cutting it. So I decluttered it and started reorganizing some things. I now have three bins of stuff that I need to find a home for. The trash bin may be an option for much of it!

I am already tired of spring cleaning. Maybe that's why the above song started to go through my head.... "catastrophe'.... and I wouldn't mind locking myself up in the bathroom until spring cleaning is done. Just tell me when it's over!

To do: Oh, dear, I must continue cleaning.

(By the way, my Aunt Debbie took me to see Nunsense II several years ago. I loved it!)

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