Thursday, March 26, 2015

Floors Galore, Part 2

I'm pleased to report that we are going with the flooring that I selected (see Tuesday's post). For the record, Lew did originally choose the wrong one, but he claims he really had no preference. I guess his actual preference was (and is) my happiness. (Thanks, Sweetie!)

To prepare for the new floor installation, I spent yesterday morning and much of today clearing "little stuff" out of our living room. I am storing most of it in the guest room upstairs. I still have a bit to do, but I have made great progress.

And this leads me to why this post fits in the "Throwback Thursday" category: I am apparently under the impression that my body is 25 years younger than it actually is. I am very sore and achy from lifting and carrying stuff and from going up and down the stairs multiple times....

I just hope this doesn't become "Throw Back Out Thursday!"

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