Friday, March 6, 2015

Don't Miss the Miracle

I'm not using a writing prompt today, but I'm still going to limit myself to five minutes!
I want to share one more thing from the women's pilgrimage.
One of the practices we encountered was "imaginative prayer." To get a sense for what this means, we used an application (free!) called "Pray as You Go". The application has a section called "Imaginative Contemplation Exercises". We listened to the story of Jesus and Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52).
During the exercise, I imagined myself as one of the disciples. Given my nature, I began to think about where we (Jesus and the other disciples) were headed next. I was so intent on helping Jesus stick to the schedule, the next thing I knew Bartimaeus had already been healed of his blindness. And I had missed it....
I had missed the miracle.
What God told me that night:
Slow down.
Pay attention to what He is doing.
Pay attention to the needs of others.
Don't miss the miracle!

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