Friday, October 31, 2014

Hand Over Your Sweet Treats!

Writing Prompt:  Thief!

Living in the same house as one's parents has its conveniences.

For instance, I often "steal" from my folks. I even tell them when I'm doing it.

I frequently steal sweets. My father bought some large bags of candy to hand out for Halloween. (We get zero trick-or-treaters at our house. Zero.) We have been eating this candy for the past couple weeks.

I believe I have written before about stealing York Peppermint Patties. Yum....

Sometimes I am a banana thief. Or a milk thief. Or an egg thief. These thieving events happen when Lew and I have put off going to the grocery store by one day too many.

In the summer we have Fred's Fridge in the garage. Dad stocks it with soda, water, and ice cream treats. (He wants people to help themselves, so is that really stealing?)

And my five minutes are up. I will not "steal" extra time today!

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