Saturday, October 25, 2014

A Haircut, Baseball, a Blog Post, and a Certain Kitty

After experiencing a few days of rain, we are having a beautiful Saturday. It was warm enough at noon for Lew and I to go outside on the deck so that I could cut his hair. (There is always lots of excitement around here, let me tell you!)

Have I mentioned before that Saturday is now laundry day? Well it is indeed laundry day. (More excitement.)

The World Series began Tuesday night. I am rooting for the Royals, but I am not going to be devastated if they lose. They are ahead in the series at this point, 2-1, so they have a good shot at it. (It is nice that my stomach is free from the gymnastics of last year. You may recall that my beloved Red Sox played in -- and won! -- the 2013 World Series. My stomach did somersaults while watching those games.)

On Wednesday I wrote a blog post for my church's women's ministry blog. I shared my goal of memorizing the entire book of Ephesians. You can read the post by clicking *HERE*.

Kurt the cat has resumed peeing on the living room carpet. I'm going to call the vet to make sure he doesn't have an infection. He seems in pretty good spirits, so I'm thinking he's fine. But we are wondering if he's mad that I'm out of the house more than I used to be. Sorry, kitty. Anyway, Kurt is fortunate that we love him and are willing to replace the flooring in our living room if it comes to that. (Lew and I were just talking about how having cats complicates our lives a bit. But it's also a lot more fun with them around.)

Another Summary Saturday post is now in the books. That's a wrap.

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