Monday, February 27, 2012

Use It or Lose It

My friend Mary came over for Chinese food and origami tonight.

The Chinese food was our dinner.  The origami was our entertainment.  (Just wanted to clarify.)

The last time Mary visited, I showed her some of the origami I had done several years ago.  We decided that we'd try folding some patterns together, and tonight was the night.

I had not done any origami for several years.  Based on how I did tonight, one would wonder if I had ever attempted origami before!  I was terrible.  It took me forever to familiarize myself with some of the folds again, and I had lost my ability to quickly follow a pattern.

But by the time we were done, I felt it may be possible to regain my former origami skills.  It will take a long time, but it is possible.  I'm almost sure of it.  (I think....)

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