Thursday, February 23, 2012


My friend Ellen stopped by today to borrow a DVD:  Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella.

I just read on IMDb that there are three TV-versions of the above:
  • 1957 -- starring Julie Andrews
  • 1965 -- starring Lesley Ann Warren
  • 1997 -- starring Brandy Norwood

The 1997 version featured Whitney Houston as the Fairy Godmother.  Ellen and her daughter just watched this one yesterday afternoon.  They were interested in seeing it after Whitney's recent death.  (What sad news that was.  She had quite a voice.)

The 1965 version is the one that I am most familiar with.  I LOVED watching this on TV when I was a kid.  The minute I could buy it on VHS, I did.  Then the minute I could buy it on DVD, I did.  I don't watch it very often now, but I still LOVE it!

Which brings us to the first version from 1957...  CBS originally broadcast this live in a 90-minute time slot.  (The 90 minutes included the commercials.)  The incredible Julie Andrews played Cinderella.  I did not even know about this version until I saw the DVD for sale a few years ago.  I bought it, of course.

Take a guess:  Which version did Ellen borrow to watch with her daughter, Laura?

I will give the answer in the comments section of this post.

Hint:  You should be able to eliminate one of the choices right away, so you have a 50% chance of being right!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Ellen borrowed the 1957 version starring Julie Andrews. I hope that she and Laura enjoy it!