Sunday, February 12, 2012

An "Up Down, Turn Around" Day

Today didn't go exactly as I had planned it, but as my friend Penny often says, "Flop with the mop!"  (She believes that she read that in some preparation materials for a mission trip.  I like it!)

Lew and I did go to Sunday School and church as planned, and then I went out to lunch with the above-mentioned Penny.  Our friend Lisa was originally supposed to join us, but she decided to have the flu instead.  Bummer.  I hope she feels better soon!

At lunch, I ate an entire 9-inch pizza all by myself.  Hawaiian plus green peppers.  (Yummy!)  My original intention was to get a salad.

I got home shortly after 3:00 and was somewhat discombobulated for the rest of the day.  It was a good discombobulated, though -- I think I needed some "down time" after my tiring week.

When I went to give Pepper her night-night goodies, my father asked me if I had posted on my blog yet.  If he hadn't asked, I do believe that I would have completely forgotten about it today.  (Discombobulated!)

Have a great week, everybody, and remember to "flop with the mop!"

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