Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dad 83: Dentist, Doctor, and Defeat

(A special note to my Indiana relatives:  I do not write Dad's posts -- I just type them!  Enjoy anyway!  -- Tracy)

Derf Here!  A day late and a dollar short!  A couple days ago we set a record of 48 degrees.  The weather has been almost non-winter-like.  Cold on occasion but not much in the precipitation type.  I'll take it.

As Mainely Tracy mentioned yesterday, I had a couple appointments scheduled.  One was a dentist teeth cleaning for Spouse and moi.  It went well as no cavities were detected, so next appointment is six months away for another cleaning.  Hopefully nothing disastrous happens in the meantime.

The second appointment was an annual doctor's follow-up of blood work to check on all things like cholesterol, blood pressure, etc... and even how high up do the scales go.  It was the first time that the doctor's scales registered me below the 250-pound level.  I am very proud of that.  Down from 300!  Still working on it.  Next goal is to get to the 230s.  Next appointment in three months for one more checkup.

Of course, the most important part of the conversation between the doctor and myself was how he was doing getting his MG back on the road.  It seems as though progress is being made as his engine is now in the shop being rebuilt.  I expect to see the car on the road this Spring.  Also saw a "Jag" that Doc is looking to purchase.  It was a good meeting.

Now I must recognize the failure of the Patriots to defeat the New York Giants. There are so many "ifs" I could mention.  Suffice it to say they did not get the job done and Eli and his team members were the better that day.  I did grow up watching and rooting for the Giants but it doesn't make me any happier.  One thing I'm happy for is all the talk of Peyton being "the greatest ever" is sort of overshadowed now as little brother Eli has twice as many rings as big bro.  I like that!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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